Comminuted open fracture definition
Comminuted open fracture definition

comminuted open fracture definition

Greenstick fracture: Your bone is bent but not broken. Compression or wedge fracture: This is common among the vertebrae in your back. According to whether the fractures interlinked with the external environment, together with the fracture sites, they were divided into 6 types: a1 type, closed diaphysis destructive fracture a2 type, open diaphysis destructive fracture b1 type, closed joint-involved destructive fracture b2 type, open joint-involved destructive fracture c1 type, closed mixed destructive fracture c2 type, open mixed destructive fracture. Comminuted fracture: Your bone breaks into multiple pieces. Broken bones are generally placed in four categories: displaced, nondisplaced, open, and closed. Sometimes, the other bone of the forearm (the ulna) is also broken. When the bones are out of alignment, surgery is more likely. If you have an open fracture, your bone breaks through your skin. From the year 2001 to 2010, 75 cases of destructive fractures were admitted in our department. It is important to classify the type of fracture because intra-articular fractures, open fractures, comminuted fractures, and displaced fractures (when the broken pieces of bone do not line up straight) are more difficult to treat than other types of fractures. Your provider will classify your fracture as either open or closed. Destructive fractures refer to the fractures whose osseous tissues are damaged too seriously to be repaired, but soft tissues, nerves and veins are less severely injured and can be repaired. Due to the complexity of comminuted fractures, with telescoped segments in three dimensions, causing widening in the mediolateral direction along with collapse of the anteroposterior dimensions, open reduction with internal fixation is often utilized. Therefore we proposed a new term "destructive fractures" after combining the definition of destructive injury with typical clinic cases. But in clinical practice we found that in some fracture cases, the damage to soft tissues is not as severe as "destructive injury" indicates, whereas comminuted fractures still cannot show the severity of bone damage. Destructive injury is defined as a very serious damage both to the bone and the soft tissues.

Comminuted open fracture definition